Πολύδωρος Σταυρόπουλος SV1AHH #555 (Leader of the club for Greece), joined in
October 2019.
Γεώργιος Πετράκης SV1GGF #556 (Director of the SVIAFA project), member since November 2019.
Σταύρος Παναγιωτόπουλος SV1JFL #614, (Greek award manager) member since February 2022.
Τα πνευματικά δικαιώματα των εικόνων αυτής της ανάρτησης ανήκουν στον Πολύδωρο Σταυρόπουλο (Blogger).
+ Zacharias Velissaris SV3GLL/ SK2022 #595, member since September 2020. Died August 2022.
+ Nikolaos Koufoudakis SV1QA/ SK2022 #612, member since February
2022. Died December 2022.
Celebrating award for the 5 years participation
of Greek section in the international 5th Ocean Club «SX5FOC» (1-20 September
The council of international amateur radio
5th Ocean Club and the Greek section of it, organizes non-profit international
radio amateur award which is dedicated to 5 years participation of Greek
section in the club. This Club has around 650 members worldwide.
We are honored to be 3 Greek amateur radio
members in it:
Polydoros Stavropoulos SV1AHH #555 (Leader of
the club for Greece), joined in October 2019.
Georgios Petrakis SV1GGF #556 (Director of
the SVIAFA project), member since November 2019.
Stavros Panagiotopoulos SV1JFL #614, (Award
designer) member since February 2022.
+ Zacharias Velissaris SV3GLL/ SK2022 #595
(Award Manager), member since September 2020. Died August 2022.
+ Nikolaos Koufoudakis SV1QA/ SK2022 #612, member since February 2022. Died December 2022.
Purpose and object of the competition:
So, in honor of the 5th anniversary of the participation of Greek radio amateurs in the “5th Ocean” club, we created a diploma SX5FOC (5th anniversary of the “Fifth Ocean” Club) for radio communications and observations carried out during activity days with radio amateurs by members of the “Fifth Ocean” club.
• All licensed radio amateurs from every
official radio country on the planet.
• The Short Wave Listeners (SWL).
By the support of the international 5th Ocean Club and the platform HAMLOG, the color diploma (A4 size) will be awarded automatically and free of charge (electronically) to those who fulfill the rules of the competition (accumulation of 50 points). The awards will be issued from the online address: https://hamlog.online/club/5ocean/
The Club has 644 members all over the world.
The three Greeks members of
the Club who will activate the competition are:
1. Polydoros Stavropoulos SV1AHH #555 (CW - SSB)
2. George Petrakis SV1GGF #556 (FT4 - FT8 - RTTY)
3. Stavros Panagiotopoulos SV1JFL #614, (FT8 – SSB)
Competition duration:
Starts September 1st, 2024 (00.00 UTC) and
ends September 20th, 2024 (00.00 UTC).
Modulations: Voice (SSB), CW, FT8, FT4, RTTY.
Transmissions will be on air on the amateur
radio bands in the shortwave (HF), VHF, UHF.
{160M, 80M, 40M, 30M, 20M, 17M, 15M, 12M, 10M, 6M, 2M and 70CM}.
Awarding - Rating:
The required number of points to be
accumulated to qualify for the award (diploma) is 50.
For each QSO or for reception by listeners
(SWL= Short Wave Listener) with:
• members of the “Fifth Ocean” club: SX5FOC -
5 points.
• members
of the "5th Ocean" club gives 2 points.
• members of the "5th Ocean" club
on VHF, UHF and the 160m band with radio amateurs, 2 points extra.
Repeated QSOs are only allowed on different
bands and different modulation modes.
All types of digital communications (RTTY,
FT8, FT4) count as a DIGI type.
Confirmation of Reception (QSL) Cards:
QSL cards will be
sent the next day, free of charge, electronically to all radio amateurs who come
into radio contact (QSO) with the special call sign SX5FOC. The shipment will
be made through the two websites eQSL and Hamlog.online. Contacts (adif files)
will be posted at the end of each day on the eQSL, Hamlog.online, QRZCQ, QRZ,
Clublog and LotW websites.
Prohibitory term:
Paper cards will not be accepted by post or
Sending the following to the activators, is
not allowed:
• money in any way (IBAN, Paypal, etc.)
• international postal coupons (I.R.C.)
• U.S.D. (green stamps)
Additional terms:
- follow the rules provided by the legislation and the code of the International Association of Radio Amateurs,
- avoid tuning and testing to the frequency of the SX5FOC because it will not be possible to receive the stations that want to participate and there will be a long delay,
- brevity in conversation will be a joy to those who wait,
- do not use computer in CW configuration,
We kindly request for your patience and compliance with the terms. Let this competition be a great pleasure for all of us.
Polydoros Stavropoulos (SV1AHH) will be responsible for information and comments throughout the competition:
email: sv1ahh@yahoo.gr
О днях активности в честь праздновании 5-летия
со дня создания
Греческой Секции Клуба любителей-авиаторов «Пятый Океан» «SX5FOC»
Греческая секция международного
радиолюбительского клуба «Пятый Океан», организует некоммерческую седьмую
международную акцию, дни активности радиолюбителей, посвященную нашему 5-летию
в составе клуба «Пятый Океан». Этот клуб насчитывает около 650 членов по всему
миру, и все они радиолюбители, имеющие непосредственное отношение к авиации
(летчики, десантники, инженеры, инструкторы и т. д.).
Для нас большая честь быть в этом Клубе, мы 3
греческих радиолюбителя:
Polydoros Stavropoulos SV1AHH #555 (Leader of
the club for Greece), joined in October 2019.
Georgios Petrakis SV1GGF #556 (Director of
the SVIAFA project), member since November 2019.
Stavros Panagiotopoulos SV1JFL #614, (Award
designer) member since February 2022.
+ Zacharias Velissaris SV3GLL/ SK 2022 #595
(Award Manager), member since September 2020. Died August 2022.
+ Nikolaos Koufoudakis SV1QA/ SK 2022 #612,
member since February 2022. Died December 2022.
В ознаменование 5-летней годовщины греческой
секции клуба, Греческой Секцией и Советом клуба «Пятый Океан» учрежден диплом «SX5FOC» (5 лет в Клубе «Пятый
Связи на диплом засчитываются с 01 сентября 2024 по
20 сентября 2024 года.
Для выполнения условий диплома необходимо в дни
активности с 01.09.2024 г. по 20.09.2024 г. необходимо набрать – 50 очков.
- За
QSO/SWL с радиолюбителями членами клуба «Пятый океан»: SX5FOC -
5 очков.
- За QSO/SWL с радиолюбителями членами клуба «Пятый
океан» - 2 очка.
- За QSO/SWL с радиолюбителями членами клуба «Пятый
океан» на УКВ, ДМВ и диапазоне 160 м с радиолюбителями, дополнительно 2 очка.
- Наблюдателям диплом выдается в ручном режиме на основании письменной заявки в виде выписки из аппаратного журнала, заверенной двумя действующими радиолюбителями, направленной на адрес admin@aviaham.org . диплом выдается на аналогичных условиях.
Повторные QSO разрешены только на разных диапазонах и разными видами излучения SSB, CW, DIGI. Все виды цифровых связей (RTTY, PSK, MFSK, SSTV, JT65, FT8 и др.) засчитываются как один вид DIGI.
Планируемая активность:
1. Polydoros Stavropoulos SV1AHH #555 (CW - SSB)
2. George Petrakis SV1GGF #556 (FT4 - FT8 - RTTY)
3. Stavros Panagiotopoulos SV1JFL #614, (FT8 – SSB)
Активаторам, членам клуба «Пятый Океан», диплом
с определенным классом, выдается в зависимости от количества QSO, проведенных в
дни активности с 01.09.2024г. по 20.09.2024г.:
- 3 класс диплома за 100 QSO.
- 2 класс диплома за 250 QSO;
- 1 класс диплома за 500 QSO;
- диплом «Мастер» за 1000 QSO.
Получить более полную Информацию Вы сможете у Менеджера Диплома Polydoros Stavropoulos (SV1AHH) email: sv1ahh@yahoo.gr
Диплом выдается бесплатно в электронном виде
через ресурс: http://www.hamclub.ru/ или https://rv6amz.ru/ или https://hamlog.online
Обязательным условием является подтверждение QSO на ресурсе http://www.hamclub.ru/ или https://rv6amz.ru/ или https://hamlog.online